
Monday, January 30, 2012

Seven Most Popular Tourist Destinations in Taipei

Taipei, Taiwan, is to visit one of the most exciting. It is home to many attractions and sights, such as a crowded market, temples, historic, world-class museums and hot springs.
Check out some of the most popular and most interesting in and around the city of Taipei:
Yangmingshan National Park
It is a beautiful garden with rocks, mountain meadows and lakes are filled quietly. Park is about 30 minutes outside of Taipei removed. Between February and March are the cherry blossom flowers, and many other colorful gardens. There is also a butterfly in the garden of about 150 at the top of the mountain and hiking trails.
Shihlin Night Market and Raohe
Taipei has to go many interesting and lively night market you should. They are clothing stores, groceries, his jewelry, arts and crafts. The market is open from 05.00 until midnight.
A market is the most popular Shihlin where also the opportunity to enjoy the local cuisine is very unique. Other markets are Raoh often offer free shows.
Beitou Hot Springs
There are many attractions in Taiwan, with hot springs, some of which are located near the town of Beitou. The city of Hot Springs resort since 1896. Now to achieve Siin because of a new transit system. You can also learn a lot of history in the Beitou Hot Springs Museum.
Taipei 101
Taipei 101 is a skyscraper of 101 floors. This is one of the tallest building in the world and is situated at an altitude of 1667 meters. There is a viewing platform in him as well as offices and shopping centers. And of course by 360 degrees scenery is breathtaking. Taipei 101 is to lift to be the fastest in the world, you reach the 89th Floor just 38 seconds.
National Palace Museum
The museum is filled with many treasures countries. Surprisingly, the home of the largest collections of Chinese art in the world. This is because many of them were brought to Taiwan in 1940 for reasons of safety when Chairman Mao took over China. One of the most famous is the bronze image of Buddha.
Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall
This website is operated by Sun Yat-sen, the man who is dedicated to the founder of modern China. You can see the changing of the guard time several times a day and 20 feet of the statue of Sun Yat-sen. You can also find the exhibition hall with a few personal belongings of Sun Yat-sen.
Longshan Temple
Known as one of the most important temples and historic Taiwan. Its roots date back to 1738 and still stands to this day, after the hurricanes, earthquakes and bombing raids during the Second World War. This place is full of statues, jewelry and art works in bronze. This temple is also home to some interesting places, such as Snake Alley and Herb Lane.