
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Antirhodus is An Underwater Museum in Egypt

Antirhodus, Alexandria, Egypt
Antirhodus ruins in Egypt is part of modern civilization under the reign of the famous Cleopatra. Cleopatra was one of the most interesting character in the history of the world. He served as a goddess by the people and the romantic mystery of his death has, has been linked to his love affair with the Roman soldiers together.

The ruins of the sea is part of the remnants of his government. Wreckage was discovered by French Goddio Frack. Goddio found the palace and the harbor that sank in 1600 years ago by an earthquake and tidal waves. In the ruins of this palace are the pillars of red granite carved the Greek letters, as well as a ship. There is also a statue of Goddess Isis, Goddess of Egypt, and a small statue of the Sphinx. Now, the debris left on the seabed and into an underwater museum.
Antirhodus, Alexandria, Egypt

Antirhodus, Alexandria, Egypt

Antirhodus, Alexandria, Egypt